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Yes, you must register a QNAP ID in order to make purchases on the QNAP online shop.
Sign in to your account, and navigate to My Account > My Orders.
No. Items cannot be added to an order after it is placed.
If the product is not ready to be shipped, you can cancel the order by clicking “cancel order” in “My account” > “My orders”. If the product is ready to be shipped, the product can only be returned after you receive it.
No, exchanges are not currently available. At this time you can only return your item for a refund.
No, the email address cannot be changed.
No, we don’t have a physical store.
You can purchase a quantity of up to 5 units of a particular item per order.
7 days. There will be no notification prior to an item being removed from the cart.
Yes. You can cancel, remove, or add items from the cart anytime prior to order placement.
You can purchase up to 20 items per order.